Oh my ..
Is it possible that I am actually writing a blog post?! After almost a year of no new posts?!
Believe it or not, it is true! I have decided to "re-open" my blog, if you will. Over the past year not much has changed. Still just working my butt off. But now instead of working for money to buy new clothes or bags or makeup, I am working to save for my dream! (It is much easier to wake up everyday knowing you're working for something important rather than material things by the way!) And I'm sure you're wondering what this dream is.. it is TRAVEL!
I was never really into the idea of taking a year off of work to travel the world, but almost 3 years ago when I moved to Texas I was suddenly so amazed by the world and all of its different people and places. It's funny how something that seems so terrible at the time can make you realize some of your biggest dreams.
So, a few months ago, I decided to start saving like crazy for my trip. I set myself the date of October 15, 2015 as the day that I will be starting my travels! I am so excited to start this journey of mapping out my trip and sharing it on here. I have been doing so much researching and reading travel blogs for the past months, and now here I am basically converting my blog into somewhat of a travel blog! And while I may not be leaving on my trip for quite a few months, I'll still be posting about all the ways in which I'm getting ready for my travels.
OH! And did I mention that I'm going alone?!
Yup, you heard me right. This one will be a solo trip for me! It's not that I didn't want anyone to join me, it's just that no one could. Or at least no one is at a time in their life where they could just leave university or quit their job to travel as soon as I want to. And while it would be nice to go with someone, I am not about to put a hold on my dream to wait for anyone else. I know that if I really want this, I can't waste anymore time waiting around. I just have to take a leap of faith and go. And if that means going at it alone, then BRING IT ON!
I am SO excited. This trip has been consuming my thoughts so much recently. It's what makes me want to go to work everyday, because I know I'll be making money for my travels! I have a bunch of posts planned for the next few months, like explaining why I decided to do this, and even a post about my favorite travel bloggers. I hope you're ready for the adventure!!
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