Monday, January 26, 2015

Budgeting .....

Oh, the dreaded, dreaded, B-word. BUDGETING.
No one likes to have to cut back on their favorite spendings, but in order to save the money I need to travel in October, I've been cutting back like crazy.

Since I first started saving for my journey later this year, I've been researching and practicing little ways to cut back and budget my money. And let me just say from the get-go, it can be hard. But let me also say, it makes it so much easier knowing it will all be worth it.

Here are some ways in which I've been cutting back these past few months

Cutting out the Starbucks                                                                I used to get Starbucks probably about 4 times a week. Or just get a coffee anywhere I could. I was spending a lot of money on coffee in a week. Cutting out Starbucks/any other bought coffee from your budget will do wonders. Instead of buying your coffee everyday, it's a whole lot cheaper to just make your own at home! I have actually started to decrease my coffee intake all together to cut my spending even more!

Bring your lunch to work                                      Instead of going out for lunch everyday at work, I started bringing my own lunch from home! This help me save at least $50 a week. This also helps you eat a lot healthier!

You only need the essentials                                        If it is not absolutely essential to your life, let it go! Things like your gym membership, Netflix (I know, that's a hard one), and going out every weekend are not necessary to your life. Only pay for what you need to survive day to day. Everything else is just an object standing in the way of you and your dreams!!

Avoid the Mall                                                             And Sephora... Buying that bag, or that coat, or those jeans, is not getting you any closer to your budget goals. The day I stopped wasting money on pointless material items, I started saving so much more money. I used to be in Sephora at least twice a week buying some new makeup that I saw someone else wearing and thought was the best thing on Earth. I spent so much time (and money) in there that the employee's knew me by name. That's not good!! I now learned that none of that will make me as happy as traveling.

It also helps to make sure you are aware of where every penny of your money is going. Don't spend it if you don't have too! And honestly, I am still having to tell myself this! Everyday!!

Budgeting your money and making a game plan can be difficult. But you can make it fun if you just keep telling yourself that every dollar saved is going towards another day of discovering the unknown, living the adventure, traveling.


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