Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How To: Kill It At Your First Travel Conference

 *Photo credit to sheswanderful.com

This past weekend, I attended my very first travel/blogging conference (woo!) in Boston, Massachusetts; Women in Travel Summit. Now before I start this how to, I would just like to thank Beth Santos and everyone else involved in the Women in Travel Summit. You all put together such a fun, inspirational experience for all of us there!

I've never been to a travel conference (or any conference for that matter
), so I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into. Before I went, I was really concerned if I would get anything out of it and if the other women there would be way more traveled than I was.

As it turned out, I had absolutely nothing to worry about. As a new traveler/blogger, it was one of the most beneficial experiences of my life
. I met so many new people, explored a gorgeous new city, and learned some extremely valuable tips and lessons. So, here's how to kill it at your first travel conference:
  • Be open - this is probably the best way to get the most of your experience. If you are open to trying new things and listening to people's different opinions, you will leave your conference having learned more than you ever expected.

  •  Make friends with your hostel (or hotel) roomies - for me, this one was especially easy because we were all in Boston for WITS. But even if you are not there for the same reason as your roommates, still make friends with them! You never know where a conversation can lead. Who knows, maybe they live in your favorite European city. If you befriend them, maybe you'll have a place to stay next time you're in their city! Also, shout out to Hostelling International Boston and to my roommates of the weekend for being so awesome!

  • Talk to new people each day - At least one new person each day! It is so important to make connections at these events, especially if it is a travel event. Like I said before, you never know where a conversation can lead! Make as many friends as you can, and try to keep in touch with them after you go your separate ways.

  • Go exploring - Especially if the conference is located in a city you've never been to! Take some time to go out on your own and explore the city you are in. Take their buses and trains, walk their streets, ask the locals where to eat. Just explore!

  • Have confidence - "Confidence is key". Super cheesy, super right. Be confident in yourself and in your beliefs. Know that you are there for the same reason as all the other conference goers. They may be more traveled than you, or more experienced in the blogosphere, but they are there to learn just like you. So hold your head high and be proud!

  • Ask questions - In school, my teachers used to say "There's no such thing as a stupid question". And in this situation, that saying holds true. Ask as many questions as you need to. You are there to learn and to grow. You won't look stupid, you'll look like you are serious and passionate about travel and your blog.

  • Take notes - This is so important to do!!! Whether its taking physical notes, or taking pictures of presentations, you should leave the conference with as much material as you need so you can put it all to good use. Also, it is good to take notes to share with others! Sometimes there are more than one session going on at the same time and, to my knowledge, we can't be two places at once. So find a friend to exchange notes with!

  • Tell people about yourself - It's your first travel conference? You're pretty new to the travel and blogging scene? You're quitting your job to travel the world for a year? Tell people these things! We're travelers. We're bloggers. We love a good story!

  • Listen to other people's stories - Just as it is important to tell people your story, it is just as important to listen to others stories. I heard so many inspiring stories this weekend that have made me want to go to so many new places in the world.

  • Have fun - Last, but not least, HAVE FUN!!! If you're going to a travel conference, you're probably going because you love to travel. So have fun while learning about what you love! You're surrounded by so many like-minded people. They understand your wanderlust. These are your people! Go out there and embrace every second of this experience.

I hope these tips were helpful! I will definitely be attending more travel conferences in the future. Especially WITS'16 in Irvine, California!! Thanks to all the amazing and inspiring women I met this weekend. You're all changing the world by doing what you love to do, and it is awesome.

Do you have any other tips on how to kill it at your first travel conference?! Let me know in the comments below :)


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Living With Less

The past 2 years, I have become quite a spender. As soon as I would get paid, it would be off to the mall or Sephora. I would end up blowing my whole pay check. And I would never be satisfied. I wanted the best of everything. I had the money, so I was going to spend it.

It was around June of 2014 that I realized how bad I had gotten. I would spend hundreds of dollars in Sephora, buying new makeup products at least once a week, when I already had a whole box full of products that I didn't need. Clothes were also a problem for me in the same way. I would just keep on buying and buying, never becoming satisfied with what I already had.

But being that I am going to be traveling the world for a year with only a backpack, I decided a few lifestyle changes were necessary.

I have decided to start living with less.

This past week, I spent all of my free time going through everything I own. I took all of my clothes of out my closet and drawers, collected a large pile of shoes from around my room, and took on the big box of makeup. I figured that I would start pretty slow and then do another clear out in about 3 months. After all, I'll only need a small amount of clothes come October!

In the past, I always had a problem whenever I tried to get rid of some of my stuff. I would be so attached to everything I owned. And in some ways, I still am. But this whole journey for me is a learning experience. I have learned a lot about letting go this year. Now, I'm not as mental about leaving my possessions behind.

Once I was finished going through all of my belongings, I had 4 fully packed garbage bags of clothes to donate, 5 pairs of shoes left in my closet, and only the makeup that I have recently been using daily.

The feeling I had once I was done, was freedom.

It was so freeing to not have to worry about all of that junk taking up space. I now felt like there wasn't material things holding me back as much anymore. Before I cleared my stuff out, I didn't even realized it was holding me back. Life suddenly became so much more simple, just by getting rid of unnecessary objects.

Just by donating half of my stuff, I already know that living with less is a lifestyle that I want. I cannot wait to go through the same process in another 3 months and free myself even further.

Don't let material things hold you back. Learn to set yourself free and come to see how life can be so much easier and simpler if you just let it be. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to the way I was living. This clear out gave me so much hope for the future and my travels ahead...
