Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fully Raw Vegan update!

Hello my friends! So if you did not know, I have been a fully raw vegan for almost 3 months now.  A fully raw vegan is someone who only eats fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. The last time I posted about this, I was just starting this new journey. Now, that it's almost three months in, I can honestly say that I have never felt healthier, happier, or more free and awake.  

And yes, this is all great, but this has also been one of the hardest tasks I've ever faced. Some weeks I would do a fabulous job of staying fully raw, and then there are some days where I just fail miserably! But I have learned that that's all a part of the journey. It may take me a year to truly become fully raw and only eat my fruits, veggies, seeds, and nuts. I have learned that this process of becoming healthier is going to take time and some days I may fail, but as long as I keep going, I will get there eventually. 

When I first started this new lifestyle, I was convinced that I was only going to eat like this for a month or so. But once I got into it, did my research, and found a community where I can get my food and tips for living this way, I realized that I will never be able to go back to the way I was living. I now know that yes, it does matter what you put in your body because it can effect so many other aspects of your life. 

One thing that does bother me is when people ask me why I'm on "that salad diet" or if I'm still on  a "diet". I hate when people ask me these questions because I am not on any type of diet, I am just learning what I should and should not eat and how it is effecting my body. So this is not a diet, but a healthy change of lifestyle.

So far, learning to eat clean and treat my body right has been such a fun journey.  I cannot wait to see where it will take me in the future. And I definitely encourage anyone who has ever wanted to go fully raw, or just eat more fruits and veggies, to take that leap and just go for it. It will change your life for the better, even if it may be difficult at first. I have faced lots of challenges and I know that there will be more to come, but it will be so worth it!

I hope everyone has been having a fantastic weekend! Here are some pictures of my favorite fully raw foods so far!


  1. wow thats dedicated to health! have you lost a lot of weight? i couldn't give up biscuits!

  2. Great job, I love raw vegan food!
