Saturday, November 9, 2013

Going Fully Raw & Holiday Vlogging?!?!

Hello there! So sorry for the lack of posting, it's been quite a busy week with work and I was in need of some sleep and free time to basically do nothing. And, not gonna lie, I've been having some bloggers block!

So, I have recently decided to become a fully raw vegan. Now, I know this may sound weird to some people, but I don't see why eating all natural, raw fruits and veggies could be weird! Last month, I went to a Nikki Phillippi meet up while she was in Houston, (you can see all about that HERE!) and the meet up was held at a co-op of Fully Raw Kristina's organization called Rawfully Organic. Ever since the meet up, I became pretty interested in the vegan lifestyle. Now, I have had my experience in being vegetarian, but that was only for a month and it was actually painfully hard. But, I figured I'd give a new lifestyle a go yet again!

Around 3 days ago, I decided that I wanted to really commit to becoming a fully raw vegan. This means that I only eat raw fruits, veggies, and some seeds and nuts. Two weeks ago, I tried to be just a plain vegan, and failed. This time though, I think I have a better shot. Four days ago, before I decided to go raw, I remembered Kristina from the Nikki Phillippi meet up and decided to look into her vegan lifestyle. I started watching all of her videos on YouTube and reading her blog. I completely became a fan of hers and immediately wanted to try being a fully raw vegan!

So far, it has been hard with various cravings and having my family eat all of the foods that I am trying not to eat. But, I find that if I eat what I should be eating and talk myself through the cravings, I can get through it! Also, watching Kristina's videos helps me so much! I will continue to update you all on my journey of becoming a fully raw vegan and will link all of Kristina's info below! She is absolutely amazing.

Okay, so .. I have decided to vlog my week home in New York for Thanksgiving and Christmas!! I figured, instead of writing an entire long, dragging post on my week, I would just make daily vlogs of my stay. I cannot wait to go home and spend time with my amazing family and awesome friends, while bringing you all with me!

Also, one more thing! Check out my lovely cousin, Kacie's, blog! She's going to be studying abroad in Morocco in January and is blogging her time there. I cannot wait to see all of the adventures she is going to have there. I am so Jealous!! But, there's no doubt her posts are going to be amazing! 
Kacie's blog -


Kristina's info
YouTube -
Fully Raw Blog -

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